Advertising. We need to leave the gardens of Versailles.

“I know where there is more wisdom than is found in Napoleon, Voltaire, or all the ministers present and to come – in public opinion.” Charles Maurice de Talleyrand. French Foreign Minister.   Talleyrand is a fascinating character. Depending on how you look at him he was a womaniser, liar and utterly immoral or heContinue reading “Advertising. We need to leave the gardens of Versailles.”

Has advertising lost its sense of humour?

“When humour goes, there goes civilisation.” Erma Bombeck There is a saying in Hollywood that comedies never win at the Oscars. It would seem the stats back it up. Guess how long it has been since a comedy won best picture at the Oscars? 40 years. Annie Hall won in 1977 and that was theContinue reading “Has advertising lost its sense of humour?”