Cannes. Strangers at the Circus.

“Great perils have this beauty, that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers.” Victor Hugo There were two boats in Cannes. They were part of the seemingly endless cavalcade of behemoth yachts moored in the South of France for the Cannes advertising festival of creativity. One belonged to some venture capitalists and was obscenelyContinue reading “Cannes. Strangers at the Circus.”

Advertising. The wisdom of taxi drivers.

“All the stories I’ll ever need are right here on Main Street.”  Robert Cormier Many years ago, I was in New York for the first time. I was in a yellow cab I had seen in a hundred movies. It was like cinematic deja vu. From the journey, I remember two things. The first thingContinue reading “Advertising. The wisdom of taxi drivers.”